Volunteer Training

All volunteers undergo a comprehensive training programme to enable them to work with clients safely in the community.

This training takes place in our offices, out in the community and with other training providers.

We start your volunteer journey by asking you to undertake Hull CVS Volunteer Academy Programme a free one-day core training to prepare you for a great start in the world of volunteering.

This training covers the fundamentals of being a volunteer and volunteering, including:

  • An Introduction to Volunteering
  • Safeguarding Adults and Children (Awareness)
  • Health and Safety
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Data Protection

Following completion of the Volunteer Academy Programme, all attendees are provided with Volunteer Academy Certification.

On the job training

The second part of the training is accompanying an experienced volunteer/worker to work with a client for up to six weeks. This gives the volunteer the chance to observe good practice and to be able to ask questions of the mentor. The aim is to build confidence in volunteering, and feedback from our volunteers suggests this method of training is very effective.

Other training opportunities are available including: First Aid Training, Fire Marshall, Boundaries etc.

For more information please ring 01482 447673 or email administrator@hchfh.org.uk

Our training programmes meet provider standards for statutory regulations for volunteer support services.