Short term projects to help people with specific issues

From time to time, we run short term projects to help people with specific issues:
Contact us to find out more 01482 447673
GREAT MOVES (Neurological Support)
HEALTHY HEARTS (Cardiovascular Support)
CHAIR BASED TAI-CHI (Neurological Support)
Call the office on 01482-447673 to book your spot.
Thursday Pop In
A social group for the community lead by the community every Thursday 1pm – 2.30pm
Drop & Stop
A safe environment for your cared for to spend a few hours joining in activities, chatting while the carer takes some time out for themselves.
To book a place or find out more information please call 01482 447673
Warm Space (Now Completed)
Every Monday & Wednesday Between 9.30am- 2.30pm
Your community invites you to join them to keep warm together. Warm Space, Warm Drinks & Biscuits. Hot Soup & Toast. Good Company & friendships.
This service closed 31st March 2024
Welcome Service
The Ukrainian host and guests support Welcome Service will reach out to host and their Ukrainian guests across Hull. Working alongside organisations in the city that support the Ukrainians and their hosts. This service aims to ensure that hosts & guests have a point of contact for advice and support and can find the answers to their questions and support with many things to help them settle into the community of Hull as they make Hull their home for as long as they need to. i.e. Housing, Health, Trauma Support.
We have Ukrainian – Russian – English speakers on our team
For help, support or to make a referral please email the team
Revive (Now Completed)
Supporting those who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19
Telehealth (Now completed)
Supporting clients through the use of assistive technology